Getting Lear: How To Show And Not Tell

"All documentaries must invoke, as best they can, the spirit rather than the letter of the truth - and they are exciting because of this. A documentary's authenticity ultimately lies in its organizing vision rather than any mechanical fidelity to life." - Michael Rabiger

Saturday, November 22, 2008

This little light of mine

More Heady Bullshit:

Henrik Juel, an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Roskilde University, working from some ideas borrowed from Eric Barnow’s contribution in Documentary - a History of the Non-Fiction Film (Oxford University Press, 1974) says:

A documentary film can be seen to function as a prophet - explorer - painter - advocate - bugler - prosecutor - observer - catalyst - guerrilla - performer - therapist - spin doctor. (I once misspelled "bugler" as "burglar," but perhaps that might be another possibility for the filmmaker.)

I like that.

I like that we as doc filmmakers have roles to perform, and also our films serve functions outside of our involvement.

And NONE of this should EVER be considered while making a doc.

1 comment:

ucfmills said...

Ha Ha. I put that quote from Barnouw at the top of my Documentary Production syllabus. I think I should add your quote as well.